So, what has been happening this week for Alex JP Scott Photography? The answer is lots and very little really - yeah, I know that sounds odd, but it is the truth... We have had a house guest this week - Quinn's Godmother, Tricia (known as Tia) and that has been lovely. Tia is a very good friend of my wife (mine as well I hope) and Quinn adores her so needless to say, the week has flown by and as I speak she is sleeping in preparation for the flight home at 2:30am (guess who has to make the run to the airport at 12:00 midnight???!!!)
The presence of a house guest means normal life is suspended (I did have a tutorial on Sunday (more of that later)) but other than that very little work was done. However, the plus point was that we got to visit several "touristy" places and I got to shoot some images I wouldn't have done ordinarily. The final trip was to Dubai today where I finally managed to take a picture of my beautiful wife Lucy that she likes (it has only taken 10 years guys...)
I am happy with this and happy with the continued use of Light Room, which is excellent for processing - this picture has been treated with a little preset that gives this lovely softness to the image. Below is another, this time of our son, Quinn...
Both shots were taken in Dubai as I said, whilst we were eating lunch. The following image was taken at the same time - I saw it, loved the light and figured it would make a good advertisement... what do you guys think?
I have been doing quite a bit of experimentation with Lightroom and have had some good positive peer reviews of the following image, shot in the Grand Mosque last week on our tourist trip there...
Other shots taken in the Mosque that I was pleased with were...
The presets (created by me and downloaded from the web) are wonderful and have opened up a whole new world of image processing... see these below...
The muted colours on the first really give it an old, 1960's look, whilst the subtle tints on the second shot take you back further - to the 1920's...
All shots featured on today's blog were taken with a Nikon D2Xs DSLR plus Nikkor 28mm f2.8 AFD lens or Nikkor 85mm f1.8 AF-S lens.
So,what else have I been doing? Well, that is about it apart from my star pupil... She finally did her first pro shoot this week and apparently it went really well - client was happy with the pictures and hopefully now she can really start to live up to her promise... I haven't seen the results as yet - that pleasure will come on Tuesday... I can't wait...
Tomorrow, I get a day off and then start again on Sunday. The hotel shoot should be coming up soon, which should be interesting... fingers crossed for that.
And so for some nostalgia - to keep up the theme of showing pictures from different Emirates - here are some from Ras al Khaimah...
Hope you have enjoyed this blog... more to come next week. You can keep up with daily happenings HERE and I hope you all have a good week. Likes on Facebook would be very much appreciated...
The presence of a house guest means normal life is suspended (I did have a tutorial on Sunday (more of that later)) but other than that very little work was done. However, the plus point was that we got to visit several "touristy" places and I got to shoot some images I wouldn't have done ordinarily. The final trip was to Dubai today where I finally managed to take a picture of my beautiful wife Lucy that she likes (it has only taken 10 years guys...)
I am happy with this and happy with the continued use of Light Room, which is excellent for processing - this picture has been treated with a little preset that gives this lovely softness to the image. Below is another, this time of our son, Quinn...
Both shots were taken in Dubai as I said, whilst we were eating lunch. The following image was taken at the same time - I saw it, loved the light and figured it would make a good advertisement... what do you guys think?
I have been doing quite a bit of experimentation with Lightroom and have had some good positive peer reviews of the following image, shot in the Grand Mosque last week on our tourist trip there...
Other shots taken in the Mosque that I was pleased with were...
The presets (created by me and downloaded from the web) are wonderful and have opened up a whole new world of image processing... see these below...
The muted colours on the first really give it an old, 1960's look, whilst the subtle tints on the second shot take you back further - to the 1920's...
All shots featured on today's blog were taken with a Nikon D2Xs DSLR plus Nikkor 28mm f2.8 AFD lens or Nikkor 85mm f1.8 AF-S lens.
So,what else have I been doing? Well, that is about it apart from my star pupil... She finally did her first pro shoot this week and apparently it went really well - client was happy with the pictures and hopefully now she can really start to live up to her promise... I haven't seen the results as yet - that pleasure will come on Tuesday... I can't wait...
Tomorrow, I get a day off and then start again on Sunday. The hotel shoot should be coming up soon, which should be interesting... fingers crossed for that.
And so for some nostalgia - to keep up the theme of showing pictures from different Emirates - here are some from Ras al Khaimah...
Hope you have enjoyed this blog... more to come next week. You can keep up with daily happenings HERE and I hope you all have a good week. Likes on Facebook would be very much appreciated...