Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Too short a date..

June 2016 has been a pretty poor month really - weather on the whole was disappointing, deaths of heroes continue and for whatever reason 52% decided to vote for isolation... I only hope those in charge assimilate Wildlife Protection Legislation that originated in the EU onto our statute book...time will tell on that one...

On a plus note I have started running photography classes on a Sunday evening which is going well - probably will follow that up with a more advanced one...

Photographically I still continue to supply images to Dreamstime - with several images sold in the last few days... check out my portfolio via the click above...

As summer is reaching it's height so photo opportunities increase along with the daylight - if the weather would behave...

...because when it does...

As you can see my main themes this year are insects and colours... I have become more appreciative of colours in nature and my pictures (I hope) are reflecting that interest... Plants will continue to be a major interest as well, but invertebrates seem to be attracting my attention at the moment...

So...for all those plant lovers out there...some wild flowers from my monthly selection...

Bee orchid

Bird's-foot trefoil

Biting stonecrop

Common spotted orchid

Cut-leaved crane's-bill

Meadow foxtail

English stonecrop


Red clover

White water-lily

Crow garlic

Colour is still the ever-present...

The most encouraging news is that the pond in my garden is doing really well - the rain is keeping the water nice and clear and it is teaming with life - water boatmen, water beetles, dragonflies, damselflies, newts, frogs, pond skaters, water snails, whirligig beetles all eating and being eaten. The native plants I put in are thriving and producing lots of oxygen - helping to keep the algae under control. In addition to that, the wild flowers I allow to grow in the garden (weeds to you gardeners) are providing sustenance to a variety of invertebrates...over 90% of the insect pictures above were taken in the garden... If you manage your garden well nature will love you for it...

Other news... I have done some non-wildlife shoots as well including a school prom...

...they grow up quickly do they not...

...and I have a school play to photograph later in July...

And with that... I leave June behind and hope that July turns out to be better... I leave you with some landscapes...