Sunday, 2 October 2016

...and so it changes...

The equinox has been and gone and so autumn is upon us...although from recent temperatures you wouldn't have guessed; maybe from now we will get some more seasonal fare.

The month started promisingly - on the local Fenland fields I came across a nice feeding flock of yellow wagtails and linnets...

Not long afterwards the migrant geese started to arrive with decent numbers of graylags dropping in to the stubble fields...

The end of the summer heralds the end of the showy flowers...the insects and the more obvious invertebrates. Nature is beginning to prepare for the winter, shutting down and waiting for the longer days. However, there are still things about...late blooming plants and the last generations of butterflies and dragonflies are still visible...

Michaelmas daisy...


Evening primrose...

Common poppy...



Japanese lantern...

Large white butterfly...

Migrant hawker...

Triffid burr-marigold...

Garden orb spider...

Painted lady...

Small copper...

Sow-thistle seed head...


I have started to work on a series of landscapes planned to illustrate the Fenland area of Cambridgeshire - many people see it as featureless - I am trying to show there is beauty and art out here...the project starts here and will continue throughout the following year at least...

Fenland Landscapes

Keep tuning in every month to see how the seasons change the landscape...

In addition to the landscape project, I have been reading a book by the acclaimed American wildlife photographer Art Wolfe - inspiration on every page. He highlights techniques I am trying to emulate... From next month I hope you will see a difference in my images...

I have also started to sell my images through another agency - Picfair - my portfolio can be found here... so please feel free to check it out and if you feel so inclined buy an image to decorate your wall at home or office... I will of course continue to submit to Dreamstime - portfolio here...

Some of my favourite images from the month include...

I hope you like them...the cormorant is my pick...

But apart from these, by the end of the month I was suffering under a bad cold - something I am a martyr to (and have been since I was very young) so drive and inspiration have been sadly lacking for the last week...I hope it clears up soon - especially as the sun is shining as I write this!

What will October bring? Well the picture opportunities will move more and more towards textures and hues rather than species...landscapes will dominate, but I hope to capture the intricacies of the fading year; the subtleties of autumn; the mists and mellow fruitfulness and the chilling of the evening...

To my friends in America I wish you well with the forthcoming election - please vote the sensible way - you know what that is...

Peace to you all...