Saturday, 10 June 2017

Oh dear what can the matter be...?

I'm trying not to be too political having been scolded by a friend regarding my Facebook posts, but it is hard not to be having just witnessed one of the most inept pieces of political judgement since the Suez crisis... how this mess pans out is anybody's guess, but I think we will have another election before too long...

Now to other matters, last month I spoke about being honest with people; telling people how you feel because tomorrow may be too late. This month it occurred to me that of equal importance is listening... let people talk... and if they don't want to, don't try and make them. A dear friend is going through a bad time at the moment - I hope I can be there for them whenever they need a chat, as indeed we should all be there for our friends, but I also hope I can let them be when they need space. It is fine line, and one that needs to be trodden warily...

And now to matters photographic. May has been a better month, a much better month for image creation. As you would expect, for someone who works mainly in the natural world, May though to October is the busiest time of the year...number of images taken reflects the effort...

Here is a selection of images from May...

Bee orchid...

Beech woodland...

Bog bean...

Burnished brass moth...






Common twayblade...

Cormorant colony...

Azure damselfly and water forget-me-not


Insect eggs on gromwell...

Chalk fragrant orchid...

Green shield-bug

Green silver-lines moth...



Elephant hawk-moth...

Man orchid...

Early marsh orchid...

Bush cricket instar....

Pasqueflower seed heads...

Purple milk vetch...

Red admiral...

Violet ground beetle...

Water forget-me-not...

White clover...

White helleborine...

Herb Bennett...

In addition this month I conducted a couple of workshops at the local primary school - showing year 5 and year 6 pupils how to take pictures of plants as inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe. A good morning spent and I hope educational for the children.

Let's hope June is as fruitful... check out next months blog in early July to see what I have already been up to...

Love and peace to you all out there; stay safe...
