Friday, 14 June 2013

You'd better stop dreaming of the quiet life...

With only three weeks or so to go before we make the jump back to Blighty, thoughts of packing and "How on earth do we get this luggage home by hand" start to meander in to my brain. To be honest I haven't got a clue about how I am going to get this luggage home - all I know is we have to so I will have to - simple as that...

On top of all that, we still haven't found a house - no one will let you agree to a rent a house before we or a friend has seen it first... So, as we don't know anyone living in the Cambridge area wee have to wait until we get there. This means we will be late putting Quinn's name down for a school - we can't do that without an address...(you get where this is going right?)... frustration all around. We are also selling many of this things we bought during the last year - books, lamps, some toys and books etc.  Of course all this means I haven't had much time to go out and burn pixels...

I did hold my last tutorial this week - she is off to the UK herself this week and will launch herself on the world as a pro in August... watch this space... Good luck Vicky!

The result is that pictures this week are from the archives - but ones that have been re-vamped in Lightroom... some of my old favourites have a new lease of life and some that should have been discarded long ago actually are now usable...

First, the re processed...

This is a section of birch woodland taken 14 years ago with my Nikon F90X film camera + Nikkor 50mm f1.8 AFD lens on Velvia slide film. I scanned it in ages ago and although I liked the original, this version with the strong, punchy colours is much better...

This is the original version - just so you can see the impact of post processing...

This is a panorama of North Berwick taken in 2008 on my D50 with it's standard 18-55mm kit lens. Three images have been stitched together to give the full width of the bay. The original was dull and uninviting, but a touch of graduated filter to bring out the sky and some brightening of the foreground gives it a dramatic winter storm look - I nearly discarded this many times, but now I'm pleased I didn't.

Another image that has benefited from re-processing is this shot of the sky (one of my favourite subjects). This one has had the saturation increased to give the sky more punch... I hope for some sunny days back in England but not sure if I will be lucky...

These two are portraits shot of band members of Blackbeard's Tea Party - a York based folk-rock band, for whom I shot a CD cover 2 years ago. These portraits were shot on the same day as the cover but were not needed.

I have added a fashionable "high contrast" look to them which in both cases really suits the subjects... I love this look.. The guy above - Paul, is no longer in the band...

Below is Martin, lead guitarist...that's a great old Telecaster he has there...

One thng that did happen this week is that I received an invitation to the Award Winners Ceremony for the Grand Mosque Photographic Competition - this will take place at the Emirates Palace next Monday night... That should be fun - me all suited up in a posh hotel - makes a change from shorts and a shirt... I bet they invite all the entrants - so it doesn't mean I have won anything... I'm looking forward to it...

So what else have I been working on?  Well these...

This is the section of an old dhow taken in Dubai a week or so ago. I love the weathered wood, the pale colours, the feel of age, of travel, of time, of work...

...and this is a panorama of the Yorkshire Dales with a storm and late evening sun - I was going to discard this but a revisit in Lightroom had lead to this - a shot with which I am pleased... Sunday drives, cafe teas, sudden showers...

And back to the trip down Arabian Memory Lane - some images from our trip to Oman last year...

A deal is struck in the old souk, Muscat

Old Muscat from the hills above - a lovely old city - no high rise - looks like old Arabia...

On the way back, we camped in a dry wadi - putting the tent pegs in was an experience...! This is an image of the vegetation and the shattered rock that littered the ground...

So that's about it for this week... the hotel shoot in Dubai still may or may not happen...

Keep your eye HERE for news on the Mosque Photo Competition and any other updates regarding Alex JP Scott Photography and of course images both new and old...

Hope to see you all next week...


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