Saturday, 23 November 2013

When you're lost in the rain in Juarez...

So, it's been frustrating week for Alex JP Scott Photography... largely because my son has been off school for most of it with a cold, meaning I have not been able to do much in the way of photography... I rigged up my studio and had a play with some things lying around the house... but nothing beats the great outdoors and I have missed walking, birding and image creating...

The week started with a shoot for the Go Wild in Newmarket team. If you remember I shot some images for them a month or so ago and last Sunday I went along to a site management get together... This time there were more people and more activity...

They even managed to break a mattock handle...

Well what did I manage to capture in the home studio?

Perfume bottle...


Soup tins...

Ooo... a bit trickier... a piece of drift wood, found on Quinn's interest table...

Barnacles, on a pebble found on the same table in his bedroom...

They were fun to set up and take...

My home studio (taken on a iPad...)

The lighting is done using the Nikon Complete Lighting System (CLS) At the moment I have three speedlights all fired by a main control unit that sits on top of my Nikon D2Xs. From here I can alter the power setting of each speedlight. It is a very versatile system and works well... The brollies are the the shoot-through type - this diffuses the light giving an even spread... The whole thing is portable so I can set up anywhere.

The rest of the week has been spent looking after Quinn, so I had to be content with sorting images and re visiting old shots. I found a good deal on Photoshop Creative Cloud this week - only valid until December 2nd you can get the most up to date versions of Photoshop, Bridge and Lightroom for just £8 a month. On top of that you get 20Gb of Cloud storage and access to an online Portfolio site. Not a bad deal considering Photoshop to buy on its own is near £700...

So, as it is approaching winter and the seasonal weather is setting in, I thought I'd have a look at some winter shots of mine from the past...

A winter scene from a city park... York 2010

Parkland tree in a snow storm - York 2010

A disused railway line, Robin Hood's Bay 2010

The last shot is my favourite of the three... makes me want to walk along there...see what's going on... Speaking of things going on... just tuned into the cricket - first test from Australia... Boy are we in trouble... chasing 561... 11-2. Pitiful... 

Now, back to photography... My mate Nick is coming to visit today, so maybe some shots to be taken on the Fen... those will be in next week's blog.  I did manage to get out yesterday though and found this...

Nothing special but I do like the cloud and the stripes... brown, green, blue, brown, green, blue...

Work-wise I had a portrait booking confirmed which is calendared in for 28th November - two writers, portraits on location. Looking forward to that. Due to Quinn being ill I had to postpone the tutorial this week, back to normal next week I hope. I also ran off some fliers - promoting Family Portraits and Band Portraits... so I did get some admin done at least... All we want now are some more bookings...

Some more good news is that the lass I was tutoring in Abu Dhabi is starting to get some bookings - it is a long road she has embarked on but good luck to her... she is talented and deserves to succeed. When she tells me I'll put a link on here so you can all see her work...

That about wraps it up for this week... regular updates can be found Here as usual...

Just a reminder that all images on this and previous blogs are available to buy... just drop me a line regarding prices and formats...


my favourite old camera...

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