Sunday, 29 June 2014

The lost week...

You know that feeling when you just want to scream?  This week has been one of absolute frustration... both my son and I have been ill all week with a viral infection... he is now better but I am still suffering... it is a real effort just to sit at the laptop and type...

As a consequence I have done little photography... I did manage a couple of insurance shoots for a regular client and the occasional trip to the garden; but mainly I have been indoors with a sleepy little boy and for at least 2 days, an exhausted me...

The good news is that I have started to sell images through the Picture Agency... not many as yet... but it is a start... my portfolio on line - can be found here so I can now submit and submit and submit... I am working through my old files at the moment whilst shooting new... the more you have submitted...the more you earn...

Yesterday I had an insurance shoot with a commercial roofers and managed to obtain a booking for a staff portrait shoot... always a bonus...

So what have I shot?...

Acanthus in flower... appeared in the garden and is pretty striking...

clematis bud - isolated against the fence... I like the upturned shape... positive... smiling... welcoming...

clematis seed head... it has an ethereal feel... dreamlike... soft... gentle...

In addition to the usual garden images, in the more wild areas I found...

nipplewort - one the most common of our wild flowers usually found on waste land, roadsides, hedges etc. The flowers are small but when you look at them closely...gorgeous...

two hoverfly portraits... neither of them have common or English names like so many of our insects...

and I bet many of you thought all hoverflies are the same...

finally an ichneumon fly - one of may of these parasitic species... they are striking with red abdomens, striped legs, long antennae and always in constant motion... they are tricky to photograph...

Here are a couple from last Sunday's shoot on the fen...

blue-tailed damselfly eating... this individual seems to have caught a fly...

as you can see...

... and unfortunately... that about wraps it up for this week... I have one last shot for you... take of my boy last summer...sums up summer in a way when you are only 5...

the world is my playground... I can do anything... go anywhere... be anything... just show me the path and I shall walk it...

He is growing up now... and will be 6 on Wednesday... a week of parties etc awaits!

As always keep up with me here or here (as I write this Flickr isn't working - hope it comes back soon)...

and I shall speak to you all next week when hopefully I will be feeling better...


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