Sunday, 26 October 2014

A time of golden trees...

We are now well into autumn and the trees are turning the most glorious shades...fungi are appearing and the last remaining summer birds are heading off.  There is still the odd butterfly on the wing but as soon as we have a frost or two we can wave them good-bye...the year is waning. This weekend we changed the clocks (did you remember - one hour back) and now it is dark by mid-afternoon...not sure how you guys feel out there...I love this time of year...I appreciate all the seasons and to really appreciate the spring you have to see the glory of autumn...glory - in - autumn...

...a selection of fungi - mushrooms and toadstools...some edible others not...but all are picturesque...

...autumn colour...

black-headed gulls against reflected colour...

Just a selection of images from the autumn...

I have also started posting on Instagran - not totally intuitive but a good way to share images...I shoot and download via my BlackBerry smartphone - many people think BB is light on Apps - Instagran being the most often quoted...well it is available now...and I like the results even though they can't compete quality-wise...

French movie...

chestnut seller...


the barber's shop...

The app gives you the chance to immediately download images as you see them...and interestingly using the phone gives the photographer the anonymity that sometimes gets lost behind a big pro DSLR...

At the moment we are staying up in Scarborough as it's half term...not sure how many photo opportunities I will get but I must try and get out over the next couple of days or so...

Had a nice enquiry for a concert shoot in November and have a couple of family portrait shoots booked - also in November...

So let's go out and enjoy the autumn...feel the sting of chill in the air,wrap up warm and kick some leaves...

Follow me here... or here... and hopefully I will see you all next week...


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