Sunday, 8 February 2015

Gotta shoot stock...

Yep...that's the mantra from now on...gotta shoot stock...seems to be the way to go at the moment...just keep shooting for Dreamstime (my portfolio here) - processing and downloading everyday...once I get into the swing of it I should be making money everyday just through accepted submissions...lots of work though and lots of shooting - let's see if I can keep it up. At the moment I have the last three years worth of images to select from as well as shooting fresh, but they won't last for ever...then I will be on my own...

So, what have I been shooting? Well you can see a large selection here... or of course here. But for those of you who don't subscribe to Flickr or Facebook - here is a selection of images from this week...

As you can see I have revisited the boat house to take advantage of the ice and snow...the reservoir provided good reflections and light...

the garden also provided the occasional photo moment...

Well, that was the week of photographs...

Now the gear bit (some of you aren't interested in this, some of you here is part 3 of my gear review...

My tele-zoom - the Nikkor 80-200mm f2.8 AFD ED...

Technical information can be found here... This is a brilliant lens...built like a tank with superb optics...I tell you how good it is...originally released in 1996 it has been superceded twice by the 70-200mm f2.8 AFS VRI and the 70-200mm f2.8 AFS VRII but Nikon still make it...that's right the venerable 80-200mm f2.8 AFD ED is still in production...It works great hand held so good is the balance and on a mono or tripod equally as usable. Forming the third of the three kings I would recommend it to anyone...Once again it is available at a bargain price...used about UK£500 the two 70-200mm f2.8 versions mentioned above always come in at over UK£1K so a great saving...It is excellent for wildlife, portraits and street work as well as news shoots and general work...

So that is the three main lenses in my bag...see next week for some more info about gear (if you like...)

An that about wraps it up for this week...shooting stock is becoming a full time job and will become more intense as the year goes on...wish me luck with that... I also have a small shoot at a local school next week - staff portraits so looking forward to that...

I hope you all have a good week (don't forget Valentine's Day...)


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