Friday, 27 September 2013

Foggy foggy dew...

Self indulgent...but no apologies... 

We've had some foggy mornings recently... Mists and mellow fruitfulness and all that and with the hedges draped in gossamer I couldn't resist nipping out to the Fen and capturing some of nature's most beautiful creations... Some of these have been posted here HERE but not all, so here are a few for you...

The first trip out found these.. dandelion seed heads...

The dew gives them a jewel-like quality...

amongst them was this grass - covered with diamonds...

...but I couldn't resist the seed heads...

all pictures taken with my trusty Nikon D2Xs + Nikkor 60mm f2.8 AFD macro lens. I am loving this combination more and more... the lens maybe old and battered, but the glass is tack sharp...

and the combination...

So, a couple of days later I went out again - the weather was set fair and being late September, fog and heavy dews are common...

This time our little arachnid friends had been busy...

I had seen a multitude of these architectural wonders in the hedges as I drove my son to school so just had to try and do justice to their beauty...

it is as if you could wear them...

thistle crown...

Tricky to pick a favourite, but I think the thistle crown is mine...

Well, what else have I been up to? Well I had a shoot enquiry, which lead to a meeting with the prospective client and a quote for the shoot. Just waiting on that... Also writing advertisements for the run up to Christmas... Family portraits make a great gift - to send to loved ones or frame and put on the sideboard. So I am offering a deal for this year... keep your eyes out for details on that one. I am also offering a series of tutorials for people who have just acquired a camera and want to know how to use it - also makes a great Christmas present - goes with the new camera!

So hope to see you all next week... wonder what I shall have in store for you then...


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