Saturday, 21 September 2013

...oh the places we'll find all by ourselves...

So, an interesting week - finally some shoots for other people... It all started on Sunday when I did some work for a local community group called Go Wild. Based in Newmarket, their website is here...HERE so if you want to find out more...

They carry out work on public open space, trying to get the local community involved in management works, restoring local pride in areas that otherwise could degrade in to a fly-tippers paradise and a home for old cars. Although the weather wasn't too clever, there was a good turn out and we were rewarded with in the hand views of common frog and common lizard.

A couple of days later, I went out for a walk on the fen and found this beautiful spider...

Now I'm not too keen on them, particularly the big ones that scuttle around the house in the autumn, but in the open, I find the group fascinating, and as this one shows, stunning. It has a restricted range, limited to the fens, but Wicken Fen has a good population and I didn't struggle to find it. (The colour makes it obvious!!!) Its name is marbled orb spider - Arenaeus marmoreus var pyramidatus.

Whilst out that day I also took this...Sycamore with a bit of Lightroom infrared conversion applied...

The end of the week (thanks to my wife volunteering me) was spent helping out with a year 11 geography field trip to Thetford Forest in the heart of The Brecks.

Although it rained on Thursday I enjoyed it. The staff were friendly and the students well behaved and relatively keen. However I hope no one will be offended if I say the highlight for me was finding this...

I have always wanted to see one of these, the ichneumons being one of my favourite families and finding this made my week. I first saw it on Thursday and went a-hunting for it on Friday. Tricky little things they are, always moving; never still. Not overly pleased with the results but as an ID pic they are okish... It's name is Rhyssa persuasoria I think, still waiting for confirmation on this. Some if you may disagree, but I think it is a thing of beauty...

So, not a bad week over all... Some good days and some good finds... Lets see what happens next week...

You can follow my daily ramblings HERE and HERE and also HERE - autumn approaches - today is the Solstice, it all gets dark from here, so I shall be looking for images that sum the season up... Don't forget, not long now to Christmas...!


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