Sunday, 21 June 2015

...and the living is easy...

...if only it was - they say one of the most stressful things you can do is move house - well over the last two weeks of June that is what we are doing and as I have been charged with organising it all I can attest that it is the most stressful thing...things just don't happen when you want them to...but more importantly they do happen at just the time when you need it the least...deliveries seem to arrive at school pick-up time and skilled workmen are so busy that you have to wait weeks and weeks for a spare space in their diary... Needless to say, photographic opportunities are rare - here are a few grab shots from the week...

click beetle...


common mallow...

dog rose...

common sorrel...


meadow buttercup...

summer meadow...

But whilst waiting for a delivery at the new house I did manage a brief visit to the orchard adjacent to our property...

so this was a surprise to find - it is a scarce chaser - restricted in distribution and not at all common. However, on of its strongholds is just down the road so maybe I shouldn't be so surprised... The picture isn't so good as the insect was quite high in an apple tree...

These three images are of a 4-spotted chaser - love this dragonfly...such great colours...

The intricate patterns of the wings are a delight...

I did find an hour to spare on Thursday and managed to get to the Country Park in I found...

bee orchid - a favourite of mine - not particularly rare, but can be tricky to find....

above and below a female blue-tailed damselfly - the rufescens form...

the flower beetle Oedema nobilis - male holding territory on a dog rose...

figwort flower..

fox and cubs or orange hawkweed...great colour...

giant horsetail...primeval...

who says hogweed is unattractive - lace like in form...

honey bee

large skipper...



Again, not a bad set for so short a time spent out and about... and sadly, that about wraps it up for this week... I can see that DIY is going to be a priority for me over the next few months which means paying gigs for photography will have to be the mainstay - I will try and get out and about one day a week at least...
You can keep up with me here... or here... as ever... and I hope you all can join me next week...

Ramadan Mubarak...


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