Sunday, 14 June 2015

In the sweet summer time...

The week began with glorious sunshine and a workshop...a workshop for people wanting to learn more about wild flower and insect photography...running from 10 until 2 a host of keen amateur photographers met with me and Emily Paxton - a local Photographer with a great eye in many genre... Well, it seemed to go well - everyone produced some great images as seen through their own eyes...Photography is very personal - how I see a picture differs to how others see it - when you put pictures out there it is always nerve racking..."who will like it?...will anyone like it...?" acceptance is great, rejection tears out a small piece of soul...I can honestly say the pictures taken by the people at the workshop were excellent...and with small pointers would be even better. Let's hope we can run more workshops for keen amateurs...

So, what did I take at the workshop? Well not that much, I was too busy helping and advising...but I did see...

4-spotted chaser...

black knapweed...

yellow flag...

Agapanthia villosoviridescens...longhorn beetle...


water boatman...

Not a bad set for restricted opportunities... We are hoping to run a Lightroom for beginners course soon...if you are in the area keep your eyes open for that one...

The rest of the week has been frustrating - mainly due to good weather and me having to sort out our new has been limited to a few grabbed shots here and there plus some insurance shoots mixed in...the latter are not very exciting but...

blue water-speedwell...



now I don't know what these are - they are garden plants from my new garden - if anyone has any ideas please let me know...

or either of these - above or below...

above is grape hyacinth seed pods...

the three images above are mullein moth caterpillars...

one of the many rose we have inherited in the garden...I'm not a gardener but the roses are spectacular (now all I have to do is work out how to garden...)

The best bit about the garden is that it comes with a the moment it is a koi pond, but the fish are due to be taken away and then my winter project it to create a wildlife pond...great for the environment and great for my photography...I shall document that of course...

Now come the links - you know the various places my work is displayed and the first in is Facebook - updated on a daily basis with up to the minute images from my various shoots...if you like it click the "Like" button... and then there is Flickr - usually has slightly different images to Facebook - well maybe more to be honest. I also have a person portfolio at Behance - here you will find different facets of my photography, so not just natural history but commercial shoots and photo-journalism - worth a look if you have time. Finally the link to my Dreamstime Portfolio. This is the main place I sell my images. All these can be bought (as can the images on any of the other pages) if you so wish...

And that about wraps it up for the week - - how apt that I pick a Van Morrison lyric as the title when he has just received his Knighthood - richly deserved... hope you are all safe, happy and at peace. Hope to speak to all again next week...


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